Saturday, August 14, 2010

The week went really well. Everyone still loves their teachers. Thursday night I decided to take them to the pool after school to escape this awful heat we are having. This was the first time all summer I couldn't wait to dive in! I had Enrichment that night so we were home in time for dinner and for me to get there by 7. We had our annual "clothing exchange". I didn't really bring much home, not much was needed, but I saw several who did, what a blessing for them.

Friday I took Katy grocery shopping, just the two of us. It's been awhile! I very much enjoyed leisurely shopping, not worrying about what was happening at home. Bo came home kinda grouchy so right after lunch he asked to watch TV in my bed. Wasn't long before he was out. He slept for almost 4 hours. I am anxious to get Brooklyn out of their room and upstairs with Whitley. I'm hoping they will get to sleep earlier. We'll have to see.

Chelsey's mind is running a thousand times a minute. She has made a to-do list and carries it around with her. There are some important things and then are some that I tell her can wait. Everything is urgent to her at this point. She's very cute, but making me a little crazy with it all! I will miss her terribly.

This morning, Whitley had a 6am work meeting so I decided since I had to be up that early anyway, I might as well go running while I waited for her. Glade came with me and we ran at the park. The low last night was like 87. Didn't make for a very cool early morning. We only got 3 miles in when a friend showed up looking for her husband. I guess he was out for a ride and had crashed somewhere at the park. Glade ran and got to him and helped him back with his bike. Their son was getting baptized today so it was very unfortunate timing. Turns out his collar bone is broken. Very sad, but glad he's going to be ok. So far it's been a long day of taxiing kids around in the heat. Tonight we are seeing "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" at the Broadway Palms. That should be lots of fun! Next week bring tons of activity so right now I'm taking one day at a time!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I hope you had fun last night! I love Broadway Palms and that show.

Good luck to Chelsey. I'm sure she and you will do great!