Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Toot Toot!

That's me blowing my own horn. It's my blog, I'm allowed! This morning I was unfortunate enough to be awake at 5:30am. Seems to be the way of it these days. I mumbled to Glade "do you supposed it's cool outside?" He gave me an emphatic "yes!" I think he even quoted me 73 degrees. Ok, Ok...up I got. I haven't been so faithful in my running lately, I only ran once last week. I ran Monday night because I got a surge of energy and felt the best I had felt in almost 48 hours (allergy attack) so that was good.

Since I was pushing time (gotta get back for scriptures), I decided I would just run 3 miles hard. I could do that. I got about a mile and a half and was pooped! I walked just a little and then went on. The "coolness" of the morning no longer felt good. I'm pretty sure if it's above 55 it's too hot. Anyway, past 2 miles, I had to walk/run the rest of it. Basically I walked over half a mile total. Not that great for someone who was going to run it hard. By the end, I was dripping with sweat and very ready to be done. I turned off my iPod (keeps track of my runs) and it told me I averaged 10:20 min/miles. Hmmm, it also said I ran my fastest mile. That last part isn't accurate cuz I've had to reset my iPod so it doesn't have my actual fastest one on there.

What I'm really "toot"ing about is that when I got home to analyze my run (iPod again), most of my running was between 8:40 - 9:15 min/mile. What's really the great thing about that is that I didn't feel like I was running that fast. What that boils down to is that my sprints on the treadmill are paying off. I'm starting to run that fast as my normal pace. That's awesome! What's not awesome is that I can't keep it up for long distances, hence why I was so stinkin pooped. That's ok though cuz it's still progress. THESE days make me want to run again! "toot! toot!"


Tammy said...

I think you should toot your horn just for getting out and running in this nasty weather. Good job!

Leslie said...

That's awesome progress!