Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The end of Scouts

So I'm officially not a CubMaster any longer. I was actually sad to be released. I've never been a big fan of scouting, but I actually started to really like what I was doing and feel comfortable doing it. I guess that's when you get booted! Anyway, there is some relief, but not much...when I was asked to come meet before Sacrament meeting, I was not happy. My biggest fear was getting a new calling that wouldn't allow me to go to relief society. I stressed about it for several days. Truly, this wasn't the best time to make changes in my life. After all, my daughter just left me!! Like I need anything else.

Sunday morning came and I couldn't keep the tears away. I'm sure it was a lot of everything, but I wasn't looking forward to going to talk with Clint. Of course, I would say yes to anything they asked of me, but I was practicing my "I'd love to!" face. I can't really say what they called me to yet, but it does allow me to go to Relief Society. For that I'm SO grateful. I can't say I'm overjoyed about my new calling. It kind of feels like a "we have no use for you right now so we'll stick you here" kind of calling. I know that's a terrible attitude and I will actually enjoy what I'm doing, just feels out in sucky right field.

This weekend was auditions for the upcoming fall plays. Whitley, Stephen, Rhett, Brooklyn and Dalin all tried out. The first three got call backs but we won't know what they are doing till probably Friday. So proud of them for their ability to get out there and DO it. I miss those days.

I thought the heat couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. Throw a quick rain shower into 109 degree weather and you have 109 with 58% humidity. Yikes! Seriously...ENOUGH!!


Tammy said...

we're going to miss you in cubs! It's just not going to be quite the same without you! I'm sure you will enjoy your new calling as well. I know you'll do a great job!

Unknown said...

Since I've been reading your blog posts from the top, not in chronological order, I know what calling you're referring to. It is an important calling. Great activities help the members make important friendships and help with fellowshipping. You're going to do great and you're right, it is right up your alley.