Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Day of School

The long awaited first day of school. The day before, we went to meet their teachers. Everyone was happy with who they got and very excited to see all their old friends. Unfortunately, that night was our crazy Tuesday night with Pack Meeting and mutual, so it wasn't a calm, get ready kind of evening. Brooklyn was very helpful in getting everyone showered and clothes ready for the next day. Sleeping did not come easily. I sent Bo back to bed several times, he has a little nervous excitement going on.
They were all up and dressed by 6 am, ready to go. This practice will fade within a week, always does. In the meantime, I don't mind too much. I made them tidy up before they left. We got everyone loaded up and headed out. I walked Bo back to the playground and showed him where to put his stuff. He played on the playground for a few minutes before the whistle blew. I love that I don't have clingy, shy kids. It makes it so much easier! Now, on the other hand, I had to drag Katy out by her hair. She sat down with arms folded and said she wasn't leaving.
While Bo was at school, Chelsey, Katy and I went and did a little shopping for Chels before she heads out in a week. Bo came home right at 11:30 and when I asked how his day went, he said "three words: Gr-eat!" He had some lunch, told us about his day, which was uneventful and then Katy stated she was ready for her nap. It was only noon, so I told Bo he could watch a movie while I laid down with Katy. I also told him if he wanted to come lay with us, he could. About 1, Bo poked his head in ( I was reading my book) and said he was tired. So I laid with him for a few minutes till he fell asleep. Now I had almost 2 solid hours till anyone came home. I vacuumed and swept and cleaned and loved every minute of it! I organized my coupons, made a shopping list..very productive time. I had to get the other kids around 3 and they all reported that they had the best teacher at the school. Glad to hear that! Rhett did fine on his first day of Jr. High. He's always a little nervous with new things so I didn't expect a glowing report from him, but it wasn't bad either.
About 4 pm, I finally insisted Bo wake up from his nap. Three hours! I knew morning kindergarten was the best option for him. I had a short time before dinner so I headed to Fry's to use my coupons. My original total was $152, my final total after sale prices and coupons was $41, plus a $3 off my next order. $30 of my savings was just coupons. That pays for two months of my newspaper subscription! I love days like that.
I made dinner, got everyone settle and went to sub for a bunko group in our ward. Chelsey did the mom thing for me in exchange for me not waking her up early this morning. Fair trade to me! It really was a great first day and I think we'll all be happier now that there is routine and our time is organized and productive.






Bo and Dalin on the swings

Brooklyn took Katy and played with her while we waited

Lainey and Bo waiting in line


Leslie said...

I love Brooklyn's pose!

Three words...priceless. :)

I'm glad you mentioned the bit about AM Kindergarten because as I was reading I was thinking "she is a PM K mom...what's the deal?"

Tammy said...

They all look great! I'm glad they had a good first day.