Thursday, March 14, 2013

One Day at a Time

I have a problem.  Seriously.  I love to eat.  LOVE to eat.  This love has taken me to places I never want to see again.  Unfortunately I have recently started seeing too much of that distant land.  I am 30 lbs heavier than I was at my lowest.  I'm sure if you've SEEN me, this is not shocking news.  I've avoided the scale for awhile now, knowing I would not be happy with the numbers, but some things you just can't avoid.  Like having to use a rubberband to make my pants fit.  Or, the worst most lasting proof... pictures.  I avoid them as much as possible, but sometimes they are just right there.  Yuck.  I have the desire to change, but somehow I'm seriously lacking in motivation.  I start most days with the vow to eat smart.  I get ample exercise, that's not the problem.  Eating.  Problem.  By about lunch time I've usually decided to start making good choices tomorrow.  Yeah, then I'll be strong.  Then I eat like crazy the rest of the day knowing that tomorrow I'm on the healthy road.  Well, this system obviously hasn't worked for me.

Today, I was successful.  It was only one day, but one day is more that nothing.  I got up determined to work out.  Now that I'm not required to run, I would like to do more strength.  Still run, but mix it up.  I did go work out today and I'm already sore.  But it was good.  I also walked by the dish of cookies and paused just slightly before moving on.  I looked at the clock at 3 and knew it was snack time, but decided to forgo the snack because I wasn't really hungry.  AND I didn't even have one sip of soda today.  Yep, zero.  So today was a good day.  I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but every little bit is one step closer to the me I was and want to be again.  30 lbs?  Oy.

1 comment:

D said...

Take each day as it comes! I know you can do it, and stick with it. It's not easy, that's for sure. We are all here to support you! I love you, and want you to be around for a long, long time! Besides - you have a grandbaby coming - gott be able to play! Dacia