Monday, March 18, 2013

CERT Training

Saturday was our first CERT training.  I think I posted about this before.  Our area is putting together a volunteer emergency team and I chose to be on the shelter team.  In an emergency, I would be one to open one of the churches as a shelter for those that are displaced.  I've always wanted to do things like this, but as a mother of 9, it's really not very feasible.  So even if nothing ever actually happens, I'm still training like it might and the possibility is kind of exciting.  I'm not wishing bad will on anyone, just a minor emergency.  The extra cool thing is that after our next meeting, I will be Red Cross certified so when there's a need anywhere, I can volunteer to go and help.  I think I would actually like to go do it just once.  I know it would be hard to leave my family for a few weeks, but I have just always wanted to be a part of something like that.  So maybe just once for now, as a bucket list kind of thing.

I'm at a weird place in my life where there are so many things I'd like to get involved in.  Such as the Red Cross, the theater, a mission for my church, serious training....but it's just not that time in my life yet.  It's hard to pull the reins in when everything is within reach but I just can't do it yet.  I still have many children at home that need a mom. Some days it feels like a harder sacrifice than others, but in the grand scheme of things, what I can do in my home.. teaching my children.. is more important than all the rest.  I wouldn't trade being a mom for any of those other interests!!  So for now I will stick to my local CERT teams and my occasional races and maybe a show or two at the theater.  My time will come. Ü

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