Saturday, March 23, 2013

Ironing = Love

Ok, it's no big secret that I love to iron.  I iron everything, including my running clothes.  This highly coincides with my distaste for laundry and that my clothes sit in baskets for so long they HAVE to be ironed.  But I like  ironing way better than putting away laundry.  But that's not what I'm talking about today.  Nope, I'm talking about actual love.  Let me preface with: I am SO not an organized person who has everyone church ready Saturday night so Sunday is smooth sailing".  BUT, today I am.  I think someone wrote a whole post about drops of awesome.  Tonight, I'm awesome.♥  Back to the love thing.

I had each boy  bring me his clothes so I could iron them so the morning wasn't so crazy.  As I stood ironing in my silent house (kids are in bed), I started having all these swelling feelings of love for each boy as I ironed his clothes.  I've ironed a lot of clothes, but today something wonderful happened.  I thought about each boy as I served him.  What a powerful thing.

Stephens shirt was bigger than the rest and his sleeves were rolled up.  He's just about a man now.  Tonight I got my first "under hug" from him.  He's officially taller than me.  Not just a smidge, but a lot.  Like hugging a man. He even bent down and kissed my head.  I truly love that boy. He's becoming a friend and not just a son.  What a good heart he has. But as tall as he may  get, he'll always be my little boy.

Rhett's shirt had some spots on it cause that's just how he is.  Whatever.  He's always had a special place in my heart because he's kinda been the underdog.  It's been so rewarding watching him grow and develop and become someone.  He amazes me every time he puts true effort into something.  He has also reached the same height as me.  And he hugs me, a lot.  It won't be long before it becomes an under hug as well.

Dalin's shirt was so wrinkled!  He's the king of roll it up into a ball and shove it somewhere.  But even with his little quirky things, he's absolutely lovable.  He's just starting to figure himself out and it's really fun to help him do it.  Dalin isn't a hugger.  We actually have a little joke about him "tolerating" my hugs but gets a little antsy if I go to long.  But, he's the first one to sit by me and lay his head on my shoulder.  He's kinda been my mama's boy from the beginning.  I like it that way.

Bo's little shirt makes me smile just thinking about the head that's gonna stick out of that collar.  As ornery as that kid can be, he melts my heart every time he flashes that sorta toothless smile.  He thinks he's getting so big but in all the little quiet moments, he's still just my little guy who likes to snuggle and play with my hair.  He has so much potential it's exciting to think what he will do with his life.  Watch out world!

Nick's shirt wasn't there.  He likes to do his own thing, his own laundry, ironing... he just quietly gets it done himself.  That's pretty much my relationship with Nick.  It's sad, but it's true.  He pretty much doesn't need me and isn't really around a whole lot.  I really hope someday, when he truly finds himself, he will let me in.  I have great hope for that. I get little glimpses of that when he's had a good day and likes to sit with me in the kitchen while I make dinner and tell me all about it.  Those are precious but few moments.

Glade's shirt is already pressed and hanging in the closet.  He's like that.  Make sure he's ready and doesn't burden me.  I love that he tries to make my load light, but some times I wish he would just let me do some things.  Then I could show my love through service just like he's doing for me.  It's kind of a catch 22. Ü  But I love the service he performs while wearing that shirt, what a great priesthood leader he is.  As much as I want him around here more, I recognize the blessing he has been in so many lives and that is a blessing to us as well.  I love who he is.

Who know so much love could come from such a mundane task?


Leslie said...

This is one of my favorite posts of yours...ever. <3

Tammy said...

Love it. Not ironing, just the post!