Thursday, March 21, 2013

3 seconds

Today Rhett and Brooklyn had an intersquad track meet.  They were competing against each other for Varsity, JV and other teams within the team.  Rhett had asked me to come but I had already made plans to meet my mom for brunch.  When I saw the disappointment on his face, I reluctantly switched my plans and invited mom out to watch with me.  Surely it would only be an hour or so and we could still get lunch.  Not.  She was sweet enough to oblige and sit mostly by herself while I did timing for over 2 hours.  It was really slow getting started as they worked out all the bugs and got things organized.  But finally!  they got going.  Dalin had wanted to come watch and while there, we learned that 5th and 6th graders were able to try out as well for the JH team.  He came in jeans and hasn't run for quite awhile but really wanted to try.  Then we heard the news, you had to run a 7:30 mile to qualify.  Yikes.  That's not really a reality, but we decided he'd try anyway.. in his jeans.

After the other events drug on and on waiting to run the mile, mom left and went home to get him shorts.  She arrived just in time for him to change right there on the track and run the 100m.  He's not that speedy but he tried.  Finally it came time to run the mile.  I was so nervous for him.  Rhett was running as well, all the distance kids had to.  I get so much anxiety wanting them to do well.  Especially these two.  Dalin is always the kid who can't win or gets slighted, quits cuz "he sucks".. spends way to much time feeling like a loser.  (mind you, if he doesn't succeed the first time, he assumes he'll never figure it out).  Well the gun went off and they took off running.  It's weird how slow they look while running really fast.  Rhett came in 4th at 6:04.  So great!  Dalin came in 3rd to last, BUT his time was 7:27!!  He made it by 3 seconds.  He was elated.  I was elated!  Finally he made something.  As we drove home, during a quiet break, he bursts out with "I'm on the TRACK team!!"  I actually shed a few tears after his race while hugging him and seeing him beam.  Maybe only the mom can understand that, but it was just plain awesome.

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