Stephen and Whitley went on a choir trip to DC. They were gone for 4 days, including Stephen's 16th birthday. That was a little hard for me, but he was so excited to spend his bday in Washington with all his best friends. I stole a few of the pictures they and their friends had posted on FB. They had an awesome time and I love that they are the kind of kids that I didn't worry one single minute about what they were doing.
These two have become such good friends. It makes me so happy that they are happy to share friends and outings and special events together.
I posted about Katy, but here are a few more of her masterpiece photos. I'm always surprised at what I find on my camera.

Stephen asked a girl he has been "good friends" with for a while now. He saved her from being asked by a guy she really didn't want to go with. He put all these sticky notes on her car with seven of them containing letters that spelled out his name.

Nick asked a girl in our ward by putting some really yucky water and dirt in a bucket and making her dig through it to find out who it was. When she found all the papers, they said to look on the bottom of the bucket where he had written his name. She answered him with the mixture of cookies and pudding. Quite a mess.
It's that time again, all the end of the year activities. The kids are having concerts, taking standardized test, planning activities... go go go. We have an "adult getaway" planned for May and I'm very much looking forward to that! I also get to go to Disneyland with Rhett the week before that, so excited!! Whitley graduates in a month and turns 18 shortly after that. At this point I'm usually looking forward to summer so I can take a breather from the craziness, but not this year. I'm a little afraid of summer. My kids aren't so entertained by a Disney movie or an hour in the sprinklers as they used to be. Their bodies are bigger as well as their appetites. I'm so afraid of the boredom leading to contention and just spending long days n top of each other being crouchy. I'm really working at my two boys getting jobs this summer, that will help. But, like it or not.. it's coming!!