Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Be Careful What You Say

I was laying with Katy the other day and she was protesting the "nap".  I, of course, always win and she knows that.  She got up into the bed and laid next to me but with her very pouty face.  Then she proceeded to pull the sheet up and over her face.  I decided to go for the old reverse psychology technique.. Good, now I don't have to look at that ugly face.. I said.  She giggled and pulled the sheet down to which I cried.. Stop, No, Cover it up!.  She giggled some more and we did this two or three more times when she stopped and said to me "Is that really true?" 

We call her princess and tell her she is beautiful ALL the time.  One day of a smart remark and all of a sudden she has a complex.  How sad to me that that no matter how much we say something positive, the negative is heard so strongly.  I assured her I was teasing and she melted right back on to my shoulder where I love the most, but I was sad.  Stick and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.  Lie. 

On another quirky note: We were coming home from Sunday dinner when I had to remind a certain teenage girl not to wear a black bra with a white shirt.  One of the younger kids asked why and I said it didn't look nice and now she looks a little like a hoochi mama.  Of course they didn't know what that was so I explained that it was a girl who was not very modest and maybe wasn't very chaste.  Bo pipes right up and says " I get chased all the time!"  We all giggled and he says "No, really.. I do!"  Oh the joy of innocence.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Now this is the kind of stuff I wish I had in the journals of my grandmas!