Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Another Catchup

Starting way back last Thursday this time. I got in from the Disneyland trip at 5 am, slept for a couple hours, went to Bo's graduation, back home for a little time, then to pick up my kids at lunch time. It was their last day of school. We had pizza for lunch since I was too tired to cook or clean anything up. I had a wonderful 3 hour nap then up again to get around for Bunko. We met at Paradise Bakery for dinner. I love chatting with my friends! We were right around the corner from Kirkland's so I went and grabbed a bunko gift I had had my eye on but never took the time to buy.

Bunko was good, but to be honest, I was just too wiped to enjoy it very much. It seemed louder than normal and I was irritable. We got home around 10:30 and I was more than ready.

Friday was our first day home so I made them get to work. I wanted to start the summer out on a good note. I made a chore chart and let the kids help me make a menu for the next month. I went to Costco to make sure we had plenty of "supplies" for the upcoming weeks. After quiet time, we all headed to the pool for an hour and then home for Taquito Night! I rarely buy them, but I did this time and they were excited. Then Glade and I went to play kickball with a group of friends at the park. We started a little late so it got dark pretty quickly, but it was fun nonetheless. After, we went for ice cream and just sat and chatted.

Saturday morning I woke later than I wanted to, but decided to go for a run anyway. It was too hot by the time I started, but I still went 5 miles. It was not a good run. We had an early date planned with Clint and Alicen so after a shower and a quick nap, we were off to dinner and a movie. We saw Robin Hood. It was OK, not my kind of movie, but I wasn't bored either.

Sunday was good, first time we have had family dinner in a few weeks. The little ones of the family spent some time in my room "entertaining" themselves. While in there, one spilled red juice on my carpet. I thought it came out, but the next day, I realized it hadn't. I put Clorox Clean=up on it and it came right out. I'm so glad we paid for the carpet that we have! Through a random conversation, we found Chelsey a group of room mates to live with at NAU. So happy! I was starting to stress about it. They seem like really nice girls and of the four of them, three have the same major, including Chelsey. How great will that be?

I hate catchup posts, too many activities, not enough details. I'm sure lots more meaningful things happened, but I can't remember those parts so here are the basics I guess. Now that summer if officially starting, maybe I will take the time to do better at my blogging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were not grumpy at Bunko - although it was loud! What a relief that Chelsey has good roomies. I hope she really enjoys herself. Enjoy the summer, and don't forget the blog!!! Dacia