Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Farewell to the Steed's

I have officially finished the Work and The Glory series. What an amazing experience for me. I understand the times and seasons philosophy, but for me, this was definitely the time and season. I learned so much and gained such a stronger testimony of the early happenings of the church. I planned it to be a summer project, but I couldn't seem to put them down! It's always sad to end a series of books, you become "part of the family". So I give thanks to the Steed family for warming my heart and teaching me things I never knew and better understanding things I thought I knew. It was truly an amazing journey!

Now I'm on to a very interesting set of books on the life of Porter Rockwell. So far I'm not sure what to think, but I'm still plugging along. Next will be the Fire of the Covenant. Yes, I'm very intrigued by pioneer life. I find it simplistically fascinating. I tend to think I missed out on that experience but also am aware that I quite enjoy my comforts of life. I'm sure He knew what He was doing by not sending me during that time! Still, I love to read and learn about that life. Happy Reading.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

We're doing STOMP this summer (reading the Book of Mormon) so my other reading is on hold. I can't wait to re-start the Work and the Glory series. Thanks for reminding me about it!