Thursday, June 17, 2010

A New Experience

This is going to sound a little conceited, but most of my life I have been able to do most things that I wanted to. I'm speaking of sports and clubs and whatnot. I have been able to be successful if I really wanted to. Now I want to conquer swimming and it just seems out of my reach. I know I haven't been trying that long, but things usually come easier than this. It's very frustrating. I feel like a complete dork out there flipping and flopping trying to get from one side to the other. Brooklyn can swim better than I can! I'm not going to give up, but it's hard to keep trying when it's hard. I know...welcome to life.


Leslie said...

I'm laughing WITH you, not AT you. :)

Anonymous said...

at least you are trying! Keep at it, and it will get easier! Dacia

Diana said...

Where are you swimming at? I will come with you sometime if you want.