Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Chore

Ya know when you know something is good for you, but you just can't bring yourself to do it?  Like, eating broccoli.  But you also have this looming sense of guilt because you know it's really the right thing to do?  That's how I feel about blogging right now.  I'm positive I'll be sad one day when I have so many missed memories and events that never got recorded, but as each day creeps by and I think "I should blog about that"...the dread of sitting down and writing it all out ultimately wins.

I've had so many awesome experiences as I've served in the temple and I haven't recorded a single one.  My kids have done some neat things and I've barely mentioned them.  I used to love to sit down and write it all out.  I couldn't wait to have a free moment to get it all down.  I'm just not feeling it. yah....that's all I got.  Not feeling it.

But if you've recently noticed any totally rambling posts about nothing, that would be because I committed to just blogging, with no try and like it again.  But I'm not there yet, I somewhat fear commitment. I can't believe we can send a man to the moon, but no one has come up with a way to take my thoughts straight to paper with no effort from me!   Sheesh.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm... maybe you should ask for the talk to type program. You can just talk, and the computer will type it out for you! Dacia