Monday, January 27, 2014

Square One

That's where I'm at.  I need pudding.  Well, that would actually be really tasty, but what I'm referring to is the pudding that holds the proof.  I was so exactly diligent for two whole weeks with eating right and exercising and only lost 2 lbs.  It's quite discouraging.  Especially when typically you lose fast those first couple of weeks as you shock your body.  That does not give me great hope.  It's just really hard to continue on in something that doesn't seem to be giving any results.  So in a moment of fatigue and frustration, I gave in.  Macaroni and Cheese.  The gooey kind.  Well, dieting is like the saying "It's easier to live the Gospel 100% of the time than 96%".  As soon as you give in a little, it's super easy to give in a lot.  And that's exactly what happened.  By the end of the week all caution was thrown to the wind.  Pizza, ice cream, chips, burritos, rolls, and Oh-the-PB&J's.  So, I haven't been on the scale to see what damage it created, but I'm climbing my dragging butt back up on the wagon.  I know I don't like where I am now, and I also know that while eating all those things was quite tasty, I actually felt like crap a large amount of the time after.  I can continue on in things that give results.  Things that I can actually see working.  But enough people have quoted the ever popular "Doing the same thing over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity".  So to continue knocking myself out just to have no results feels pretty sucky.  EVEN though I know I'm doing the right thing.  So, here's to another week.  Another long week of counting points and steps and turning my head away from every commercial or billboard with a juicy hamburger calling my name. But if something doesn't happen this week,  I may have to go straight for the pudding.  Head first.

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