Thursday, January 23, 2014

What day is it?

Since the kids were out of school Monday, it's been really difficult for me to remember what day it is.  Been crazy.  Monday we took the kids to the Temple for the first time.  Because we spent most of the time talking to our friends who went with us, I didn't really get to talk to them at all.  So we decided to go back again the next day!  The kids were all excited about that and some have even asked when we can go again.  This time we took some pics. Oh how I love this bunch!!

Back to Monday though.  Monday Dalin turned 13!  Because we had tickets for the open house and one of his good friends was having his birthday party that same day, it kinda came and went without a lot of fanfare.  Now, don't get me wrong.  On his birthday he got to go to the temple, eat lunch at Fudruckers and go see a movie with his friends.  He just wasn't the focus of all that fun.  By the time dinner time came and he was asking what I was making for his birthday dinner, I panicked.  So I offered up taco bell.  He chose Barro's instead.  So we all went for pizza, even Dad was able to make it.  We ended the night by singing really loudly for all to hear before we left the restaurant.  I wish I had known how red he was going to be, cuz I definitely would have taken pics!  Happy Birthday Dalin!!

Tuesday morning brought on more "what day is it" behavior.  Katy had been chosen to say the pledge in front of the whole school and it was TODAY.  Yikes, we didn't' remember till it was almost time to leave so I redid her hair a little cuter, threw on some clothes and mascara and went to the school to watch.  She was GREAT!  Strong voice and so much confidence.  I love it. I love her!!

Tuesday night we gave tours at the temple again and I came home really tired!  So Wednesday was a pamper day.  Sort of.  Nails and lunch with Jenny.  Then it was scouts and dancing with Mutual for the evening.  They are doing so well with the dance for the Cultural Celebration, better than I could have imagined.  It's been lots of fun.

Today brings more tours and my first women's dance class and tomorrow more tours and Amazing Jake's with Amazing friends.  With a week like this, who cares what day it actually is!

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