Friday, September 23, 2011

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma - the most common kind of skin cancer affecting one million Americans every year.  I am now one of those million.  I've had a red spot on my cheek for a couple years now.  At first I just thought it was a big zit that hadn't poked through yet.  A few months later I realized it was still there and maybe it wasn't a zit.  I didn't worry too much about it till recently when it would bleed occasionally.  I really knew it was some type of skin cancer but because we don't have insurance, I didn't want to pay to take care of it.  When it started to act up I decided to just bite the bullet and get it done.  I went to my Mom's dermatologist, who by the way...looks like a vampire.  I think my friend referred to him as the super hot vampire doctor.  He is nice looking but in a sort of creepy vampire way.  Anyway, they did a biopsy to confirm it and they scheduled me to  have it removed. 

Yesterday was the day.  I wasn't nervous, but having something cut out of your face is never a good thing.  The procedure was fine, but later it really started hurting.  Today it's just mildly sore.  It's nothing that spreads so I'm not worried about that, but it does mean I may likely get another as the years go on.  Oh the joys of aging!!


Dacia said...

I'm glad you finally had that taken care of! Even if it is just a "basal cell carcinoma", it's worrisome. Keep checking out spots!

The pictures of Cali are great! Okay, maybe not you behind bars at Alcatraz, but the other ones!

Unknown said...

I had the same procedure done 4 years ago, 5 spots removed during 2 procedures.

I feel your pain, literally. Get better soon, and use sunscreen! ;-)

Amy said...

Oh my! Sorry Laurie!!