Monday, November 15, 2010


That's my life, flying by without me even getting a chance for a breath. Chelsey came on Wednesday instead of Thursday. We had a great weekend, well I did anyway! I can't even begin to put a time frame on all the things we did. We shopped and had dinner with Grandma. We had a fun night out playing laser tag with a bunch of friends. Chelsey couldn't find anyone to go with her so she stayed home for this one. Whitley, however, brought her "crush" for the past 4 years. They were super sports to hang out with a bunch of old people all night. I had a really great time and am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life.

Saturday I ran in the morning and had intentions of running 7 miles, thinking maybe even 8. Ha! I also decided to do a little hill training. Totally kicked my butt. I was seriously huffing and puffing by the time I got to the top of the hill. I only made it 6.5 but I was actually sore the next day. I haven't been sore in a while. When I got home, Glade informed me that his brother, Kent, was in the hospital on life support so we went there to be with his family. It was great that Chelsey was here to take care of things while we were gone.

Kent looks awful. He is a 41 year old man who looks 80 and frail laying in that bed. He has drank heavily for the last 21 years. His liver is shot and some other things they haven't clearly defined to us yet. While we were there, they took him to remove some water from around his lungs. He will be sedated for 3 days while they try to control it. After that, they will see what happens and get his say on whether or not they continue to save him. Very sad situation. Mostly for his parents and his children. Totally broke my heart for all of them. I never want to have to be that mom.

We missed the adult session of Stake Conference being at the hospital, but we had regular Stake Conference the next day. It was actually a broadcast from Salt Lake. That morning, we had a big Sunday breakfast and it was so great to have everyone there. We all laughed and had a really nice time. After church, we came home and since it was the second Sunday, we didn't have the whole family coming over so we had our own big dinner. I had a roast in the crock pot, made corn casserole and potatoes and gravy. Yum! Again with how great it was to have the whole family together. After dinner I canned some of the 50 lbs of potatoes I had just gotten, gave all the boys haircuts and clipped my coupons. Stephen helped me and endured sitting through the Christmas Shoes with me. He is such a suck up and I totally love it! What a fabulous day.

Chelsey called about 9:30 pm once she got back to Flagstaff and informed us that she forgot her backpack with her homework and laptop in it. She was going to drive back down and drive through the night to get back home. I was seriously not happy about that. Glade drove and met her half way, neither got home before 1:30 or 2 am. Stinkin girl!!

Oh yah, Thursday was Bunko. I love my Bunko friends. I always say I'm going to go and be quiet and not be so "there" but I never succeed. I love that they still let me come anyway!

Lastly, while I was at the hospital, there was a church wide leadership training meeting. I was informed on Sunday morning that they have eliminated my calling, Activities Chair. What?? I have no idea where that came from or what they will actually do but I guess that means I will be getting a new calling. I can't say that makes me so happy. I just got used to the idea and had the whole year planned. Nice.

Quote of the week: "What smells so it you or the banana bread?" Bo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW - you did have a busy week!
I am so sorry to hear about Kent. It's so hard to watch a life go away. Dacia