Monday, November 8, 2010

Casa Grande Triathlon

I did it! It was a sprint, quarter mile swim, 10.6 mile bike and 3 mile run. I knew the swim would be rough and I was going to train for it, but after a few times at the pool....I just didn't want to go back. I knew I could do the bike but I wanted to train for that as well but after a few times on the bike.....I just didn't want to get back on. Why am I doing this?? So I ran...a lot....and hoped that would get me through. I have to preface with an unlucky turn of events that made this just one dimension more interesting. The day before:

I got stung by a scorpion on my big toe. It hurt! All day it was tingly and numb and just plain uncomfortable. By night time, I could still feel it and it hurt to walk on it. I was really worried about how I would run in the morning. After a restless night's sleep, we got up around 4:30 to head out. It was still tingly but not sore. I took a bunch of Ibuprofen just to be sure and it must have worked cuz I felt fine after that.

The swim was a complete joke. Seriously, a circus in the water. They started you by time (how long you thought it would take you) so of course I was near the end. So were all the other people who didn't swim. After an hour of waiting for all the real swimmers to get in, my chance finally came. Let me just start by saying I wasn't halfway down the first lane before I swigged a bunch of water and was totally choking. The rest went just as badly. Did I mention...circus in the water?? In the end I was able to make it through in about 13 minutes. I just wanted to get it done

On to the bike. I guess I took too long in transition...some people don't think you should dry off, or put on chap stick or anything like that, but I found it necessary. I eventually made it out and started riding. I did the bike in about exactly what I figured I would. Boy my legs were tired though! I have to say it was really fun to pass people. Usually I'm the one being passed but not today! Really, I was just ready to get off. My bike said I did it in 42 minutes, but the timing chip says 47. It includes both transition times.

I applied more chap stick and headed out for my run. I did better than my time suggests because I crossed the timing line, but didn't start running for about another minute. I had to get my iPod ready! Anyway, the run was hard. It was on rough terrain, up and down tiny hills, big rocks and oh yeah, it was hot! Luckily they had water stations. Again, I got to pass lots of people! My iPod said I ran it in 28 min but the timer said 29.

My total time was 1 hour and 29 minutes. My goal was to finish under 1:30. I guess that makes it a success. I can't say I had fun doing it and I never felt that adrenaline rush so I'm going to say at this point that tri's are not my thing. I did learn that they had a duathlon that day as well. That's a run bike run race. I may try that next year. I'm glad I did it and now I can say that I have. On to more running!!


Dacia said...

Laurie, you truly are inspiring! So, the swim didn't go so "swimmingly". At least you made it thru - you didn't quit. It is an accomplishment for you!

Leslie said...

Awesome! I enjoy cycling, but my bike is so uncomfortable. I'll have to get your two cents on that.

Heather said...

I love that you take time for chapstick. My kind of gal. Great job lady. Maybe next year I will do a bike run with you. I can swim but I don't think they allow time to reapply makeup so I am out. Ü

Tina said...

Love the chapstick time. I'm with Heather, I would need a makeup station WITH a hairdryer. You are the bomb Laurie.. So proud of you.

Jake and Jenny said...

Love the picture of you and Glade! Awesome! You did it, and in a good time too!