Thursday, November 4, 2010

Moderation Smoderation

Did I recently post about feeling unsettled, maybe a little bored? No real projects on the horizon, nothing to keep me busy? Well of course we can't have a little moderation here, now my plate is heaping and I'm having just a little anxiety. With one big swoop, every weekend till mid January is occupied by some activity that takes some sort of preparation from me. Not just one thing, but lots of times several things on the same day. In reality I'm glad to have stuff going on, but maybe just a little more spaced out would be nice. Right now I'm trying to take it weekend by weekend.

This weekend in particular is a little overwhelming. Saturday is my first triathlon that I'm really not very prepared for. As soon as we are done with that, I have to work at the school carnival for a few hours and right after that is our Red Rock Reunion party. I really hope there is a nap somewhere in there! I had to get the video done this week which is always a challenge. Choosing and sorting through 600 pictures takes some time and I really don't even know what I'm doing so it can get a little frustrating. But it's done and I think it turned out OK.

I still have 40lbs of apples waiting to be canned and 50 lbs of potatoes coming this Saturday. Hopefully next week will be a little less busy than this one was. Today I sat down and went through my coupons and ads and was giddy with anticipation of getting to the store. My counters are totally full with stuff and I'm not sure where I'm going to put it all. This is the time of year to stock up, so I did. I save $90 just in coupons, that doesn't even include all the sale savings. Very exciting!! Mom and I decided to pitch in and put together a "little" box of goodies for Chelsey, our starving college student. It's actually two big boxes with all sorts of stuff for her. I can't wait to see her in a couple of weeks.

Along with all the other things calling my name, I got a sudden urge to clean out all my closets. That's a HUGE project and one I really don't have time for, but every time I open a door, I have to resist pulling everything out and organizing it. All in due time....

Lastly, running is still going really well. Today I ran a 5k in 28 min 21 seconds. The best part was that my first two miles were just under 9 minute miles. I actually thought I might puke towards the end, but no such luck. I was wiped though. It felt really good. I'm so excited for the Turkey Trot to see if I can break an hour. I feel really good about it, but now I just want to do it! I love the holidays for so many reasons. People complain about stretching them out too long, but I don't think they could be long enough!


Dacia said...

Good luck on the tri tomorrow - you will do fantastic! You are really an inspiration to all of us!

Tammy said...

Sounds like you're keeping busy with lots of good, fun things! Can't wait to hear about the triathalon tomorrow! I'll see you at the fall festival. John has been asked to DJ again this year, so we will be there. Oh, and if you need somewhere to put all those "good deal" item...I'm sure I could help you out with that! =) Congratulations on the deals. I love that feeling!

Leslie said...

Good luck with your triathalon! I'm so excited for you. I can come help you can apples when I pick up potatoes. Name the day!