Friday, February 5, 2010


Dog = Man's best friend. So goes the old adage. This is my non - tribute to dogs. I am a self-proclaimed non-dog lover. If this offends you, so be it. It's really not even about dogs per say, more about the stupid people who own them.

I live in a great area where land is abundant and most people live on at least an acre. Go a little further to the base of the mountain and this is where I find the cause of my head shaking. While running, I am barked at at just about every property. These properties are usually fenced in so it's not that I'm afraid, it's just "alerting". What makes me question who these people are, is the fact that most of these dogs are big and a little mongrel-y. Along with that, there are usually multiple dogs as well. So as I flinch at the sound of some big dog barking and running my direction, I wonder to myself "who owns these dogs?". Most are definitely guard dog looking. Ok, I get it, one needs to feel protected. Wait. What are they protecting? Your trash heap and trailer that is probably 50 years old and barely standing? Has there been a rash of crime sprees in this remote area that I'm unaware of?

I'm quite certain these dogs are not just out for a little fresh air, but are normally inside being loved on. I'm also pretty sure that if a census was taken, one would find the population of dogs much greater than that of humans. I'm assuming these people moved here so many years ago in hopes of a little seclusion. I can even understand that, but doesn't the sound of constant barking alarm you and cause you to NOT feel secluded and relaxed? It certainly makes me wonder why one would want to feed and listen to a bunch of big, ugly dogs on a daily basis. Where is the "man's best friend" in owning ferocious, mongrel dogs that make the heart stop of very passerby?

Les, what was that quote? Oh yes..well, I won't quote it here, but truly..... So those are my thoughts on people who own dogs for mysterious reasons. I may have to find somewhere else to run.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Dacia

Tomena said...

I don't really like dogs either. My mom always said, "I have 8 kids what the heck do I need an animal for?" Though despite this I find myself the owner of a very sweet cocker spaniel (he was given to us as a puppy)...he's obnoxious. Yet I love him and I don't want to get rid of him and I feel highly responsible for him kinda like I do for one of my kids... but I have to say that if something happens to him it would be hard to get me to take another dog. Or any other animal for that matter.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious from the fact that you allowed one poor defenseless little dog to be eaten by coyotes and then gave the other to the pound that you don't like dogs. But why criticize those who do?