Monday, February 22, 2010

Why I Love the Rain

As I drove my kids to school today amidst the gray sky and sprinkling rain, a certain sense of happiness and contentment came over me. Hmmm, I wondered why. There are those (mom, Heather..), that hate the gloomy skies and long for rays of sunshine. Not me. So I began to ponder this little aspect of my life. First I decided that rain made me grateful. I was immediately grateful for the van that protected me from the wetness that was outside. When I'm at home and it's raining, I feel safe and cozy and grateful to have a home. I love wearing sweaters and jackets and feeling warm despite the cold. If you walk outside to observe the rain, I think it's instinct to fold your arms and "hug" yourself. That's kinda nice too. Then there are the colors. Colors are more vibrant when they aren't washed out by the sun. The green is greener, the pavement is shiny...I don't know, it's just prettier. Lastly, it's probably the nurturer in me that is happy that all the pretty green is getting a nice fresh drink. My trees are being nourished the way they were intended to be. It's a good feeling. As I stood outside on my porch taking it all in, I even noticed all my little chickens huddled together in the coop. Cuddling is good, right? That, in a nutshell, is why rain makes me happy!


Tomena said...

I love the rain too! I think because it doens't come that often... it probably would be like heat to you if you lived in WA.

Tammy said...

Someone has to love it I guess, but you'll have to add me to the "hate the gloomy skies" list! Now don't get me wrong, I love a good rain, thunder storm if I am able to stay inside, wrapped in a blanket, reading a good book and eating chocolate chip cookies and drinking hot cocoa. However, that is not what I am doing today, so no, I am not enjoying the rain today. I do love that the trees, grass and flowers all get a good drink of water though. Enjoy your rain!

Anonymous said...

Laurie, you always make a gloomy day bright! Thank you for lighting up my day! Dacia

Leslie said...

I love it for the novelty, all the reasons you mentioned, and I even love it when I have to drive around in it. I'd really love to live in WA or OR for a season to see if the novelty wears off.

Lulu said...

I too love the rain! Great post!