Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm a stalker

Probably my weirdest post ever.  It started out way back in August of '10.  If you wanted the full story, go HERE.  Anyway, in short, we met this boy (who will remain nameless since I totally stole these pics) who I thought Chelsey should marry.  Well, obviously that didn't happen! His name came up the other night totally randomly so Whitley and I FB stalked him.  Sort of.  Since I met him, he has gone on a mission and moved away to Utah so it's not surprising he didn't look exactly like I remembered.  BUT, it was the big tattoo on his back that really threw me.  Not to mention he was engaged.  I texted my friend who happened to be family to him and asked her what was up.  It was then that I was informed I had his name wrong.  I was off by one letter!  Whew!! What is so weird is that this "wrong" boy works at the same place the "right" boy worked when we met him.  So naturally it all made sense when we found him on FB.  How seriously coincidental is that?  Their names are only 1 letter different.  So we looked up the "right" boy and saw that he was just as sweet and cute as I remembered.  AND, had a very cute and sweet girlfriend.  Sorry Whitley.  

This is where it gets really weird.  After we went to the Temple the other night, we went out for treats.  We always go to the same place, which is where these boys work/worked.  He was there!  (the "wrong" boy)  It was so creepy how I knew he had this tattoo on his back and what his fiance looked like.  You know I'm one who likes to give people a story so it was very tempting to go up to him and tell him I liked the tattoo on his back.  Creepy, huh??  I didn't do it.  But it's a huge eye opener about how much people can learn about you just by accidentally searching your name.  Creepy.  

 right boy

wrong boy 

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