One week till we leave for the beach! I get more and more excited each day. However, I haven't had a whole lot of time to think about it. Yesterday started with our Summer Movie outing. I was lucky enough to have to leave early to take Rhett for an apt for his arm. Puss in Boots was dumb. Anyway, I left Chelsey in charge to take the rest to her house when it was over. Rhett got a new layer put on his filthy cast and we come back in 4 weeks to get it off. I can't even imagine what it will look like by then.
After, we made a trip to Deseret Book, since we were already in town, to get me a new book to read at the beach. I love that store, but I do not love the total on my receipts when I go there. But I could browse for hours. Rhett got himself a new CTR ring while there as well.
We picked up the kids at Chelsey's and on the way out to the van I asked who had our popcorn tshirt. I should have known, they left it under the seat at the movies. Grrrr, that's an expensive mistake. I tried to not be angry, doesn't really help anything. We drove to the movies to check but no one had turned it in. Why, may I ask, are there more dishonest people than honest ones. When you lose something, it's more probable that you won't get it back than having someone turn it in to be reclaimed. It's very frustrating. Also, it makes me wish my kids could see all the things that have to go through my mind everyday. I wouldn't have left without it, but you have to think about it. That's what I do all day, think about things to make sure every little thing is as it should be. It's really quite exhausting! So now we are without a popcorn shirt.
We were all grateful to get home since it was 112 outside. Katy and I laid down for a snooze from our busy day. About 4:30 I decided I better figure out what I was taking to Bunko. Of course, I had half of all the ingredients for several of the dishes I wanted to make. So I settled on something I have only made once before in my whole life and wouldn't you know it... someone else made the same thing! Just my luck. Bunko was fun and I was glad for the night with no "thinking".

I went to bed and to finish something I started 6 months ago. At the beginning of the year, I challenged my kids to finish the Book of Mormon by the time we went to the beach. Well, today I finished. It's a weird feeling to not put your book mark back in. But I was proud of myself for sticking to it. I really feel like I got so much more from it this time around. It's been a really good experience. I'm anxious to see who else actually finishes. I know Dalin is really close and Whitley already did, but the rest are frantically trying to "catch up". Good stuff. ♥
1 comment:
I totally get the "a million things go through my mind all day because SOMEONE has to keep track of it all." A little help here, please? ;)
Have fun at the beach. I'm trying not to be envious, but it's really hard!
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