Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Going Camping

Since Oliver! ended, we have mostly just done summer things.  Like hang out at the house playing Wii for hours, went to the pool once, summer movies... yep, pretty much sat around the house.  It was actually kinda nice.

We had pack meeting at my house this month.  We shot off water rockets.  Glade was so great to make me one since the one I had planned on borrowing wasn't available.  Now we own our very own launcher.  A dust storm blew in right when we were getting started, but mostly held off till right when we were ending.  It was a fun time and I'm so grateful for my husband who was willing to build it!

We also had enrichment night, which was nice to just get out of the house and chill with other women having no responsibility.  Friday we had a BBQ at the Johnson's while the kids swam and Saturday we had games night at the William's.  It was a full weekend!  Sunday was fast Sunday, which also means testimony day at church.  Katy loves to go to the microphone to bear her testimony.  We have a rule that you can't say the standard "kid testimony".  I reminded her of that before she went up, so she got up and said:

Hi, my  name is Katy Smith.  I like to bear my testimony, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I guess she took me literally.  I felt really impressed to get up and show her what it means to bear a testimony.  It was a slow day at the pulpit so I had no reason to back out on my prompting.  It was a little awkward and kinda weird, but I talked right to her and bore a very simple "child's" testimony about the things I knew.  It was kind of embarrassing, but I felt I needed to.  Anyway, hopefully she felt the Spirit of it.

The last two days have been spent preparing for our 4th of July campout.  NOW it feels like summer!  I can't wait to get out of this heat and go do nothing for 4 days.  I'm having a little anxiety about driving up there after my last year's trauma.  I feel like I will be fine, but what if I'm not.  What if it freaks me out and all those emotions I've gotten over come flooding back?  It doesn't feel very good.  I'm praying for peace and that I can get past it.  Not a lot of people are going this year, which is OK by me as well.  I could use a break from being the "cruise director" for just a little bit.  Not only am I excited to go camping, but it also puts me one week closer to the BEACH!  That, I'm really excited for!


Dacia said...

Have fun camping! You will have a great time - put all those negative thoughts out of your mind!
I bet Katie got the message, too.

Leslie said...

Take deep breaths. And pray. (((hugs)))