Another week of summer flying by. This is just a picture of Rhett playing legos in the Dr's office before he got his cast redone. He got blue this time.

On Wednesday, we took our scouts to the bakery for a tour. Because it's summer, we had a fairly small group so we all fit in our van. Glade is a great tour guide and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have cared if he wasn't considering the room full of donuts. Whitley escorted us on this trip so she could take the car to get emissions tested. (It's right by the bakery) She followed me on the freeway and cried the whole time. I thought we were doing really well since the freeway was really empty and I stayed at 70 for most of the time. Apparently anything over 50 is too much for her. She recovered.. until I asked her to go get a game for me from a lady I bought if from online. We got the address in her GPS phone and she went on her way. I guess her phone auto corrected the address when she put it in so it took her in the wrong direction. Well, her phone eventually died while looking.. She had left the paper at Glade's office so she had to drive all the way back to get it. Then she realized she was out of gas. Finally on her way, she retrieved my game in a two hour errand that should have been 20 min. Poor thing.
That night, another storm came through so I tucked the kids in to bed and went out on the porch with Glade. Not 5 min later Bo came out saying "I can't go to sleep.." Then he screamed. We all knew right away, it's a different kind of scream. The scream that says "I just stepped on a scorpion!" Actually that's exactly what he said. I ran by him to go turn the light on, sure enough.. a big ol' scorpion. We took him inside and washed him and gave him some Tylenol. I took him in bed with me so I could watch him and make sure he didn't have a reaction. He laid there with ice on it for about 30 min. I took it off and asked how he was feeling. "fine". Said it didn't hurt any more and wasn't tingly. This is his second time he has been stung and both times he has had virtually no reaction. Lucky kid.
Thursday was supposed to be the day Chelsey came over and we worked on some financial stuff to get her set up for school. As soon as she got here, she puked. Nice. We were going to go out for her birthday lunch, but she wasn't feeling up to it. So she slept in my bed with little fevered Katy (from her shots) while I went and ran errands.
I had signed Brooklyn up for a cupcake class since she never gets to do anything too special. These are what she came home with. Pretty cute!
That night was our ward temple night. We went with several other couples and did sealings. One of those couples were Chelsey and Spencer. I hadn't been in the temple with them since she got married. I loved being there with them.Ü After, we went to Nielson's to get a yummy treat! I'll have to do a separate post on my stalker tendencies.
Friday was Friday the 13th. I'm not superstitious at all, but that day kinda sucked. Not really, just part I guess. The morning actually went really well. Stephen and Nick had registration at the high school. We got there just a smidge early and were in and out in no time. Nick had to work so we picked his schedule up for him. I needed to run some errands so we headed out to do that. We passed by the little kids new school so I decided I would stop in and turn in their updated shot records. Now I would finally be done registering them. Or so I thought. Apparently signing them up online isn't really much of anything. I had to fill out big packets for all of them. Oy! I put Stephen to work and within 30 min or so, we had them all filled out. I seriously hate all of that! Hopefully we are all squared away and there's nothing left to do but show up on the first day.
We headed to Wal Mart to get some last minute camping things (BEACH!!) and to try to knock off some of the things on their school list. First, it's hard for me to have a list. Their last school required virtually nothing. This list is BIG. They give you the option of just giving the teacher $25 instead but I thought I could probably get it for cheaper. Wrong. I think I spent just over $27 for Katy , kindergarten mind you, and I bought the cheap stuff instead of the expensive stuff she requested. The pencils she wanted were $4 a pack compared to $1.12 for the regular kind. Seriously!!! Anyway, I was able to get Bo's list for about $18. I was insanely grouchy when we left the store. Education should be free. And I'm happy to pay for the necessities, but this was over the top to me. I'm having some serious doubts about switching schools. I'm just in a sticky place since my kids "prayed" themselves there. It better be a freaking good year!
We hurried home to get everyone ready for "Cow Appreciation Day". Free food at Chick Fil A if you dress like a cow. They had done a good job of getting dressed and I was too grouchy to participate so Stephen and I went as the cow herders and paid for our meals.

Very ready for some quiet time by the time we got home. But first I had to get the trailer reloaded so we could put it down before it rained again. Oh yah, it rained off and on the whole day.♥ By evening, I was very ready for a date night. I called Glade to see if he was up for a chick flick. I just wanted some popcorn, diet coke and cuddle time. He was as grouchy as I was earlier and said he wasn't going to be able to make it home for a date night. I texted a few other people to go to the movie with me, but no luck. So... I invited the kids! They all had different movies they wanted to see so we went to a theater that could accommodate us all. Shortly before we left, Mom called back and said she could go. She and I went to see People Like Us, Stephen and Katy saw Brave and Dalin and Bo finally got to see the Avengers. Right when our movie started, Glade called to say he was home. Woops. So he stayed home and fixed the shower (we had a little mishap with the seat). It was good for all of us to get out of the house.
Still no relaxing day at home with nothing going on. This next week will be no different. Two days to get ready for our Cali trip and make sure the boys are ready for school since they start in a week. Oh yah, Rhett get's his braces off in a week as well. I'm SO excited for that one. Maybe Sunday will be a day of rest. Ü