Sunday, May 27, 2012

Rhett 8th Grade Graduation and Disneyland

Rhett graduated from the 8th grade this week.  Pretty amazing accomplishment (sarcasm implied)! After his graduation, we got on a bus to Disneyland about midnight.  We had a really long and not happy bus ride till 8am when we were dumped off at McDonalds.  I'm amazed at the freedom some kids have with their language even when adults are around.  Really, a hundred bottles of crack on the wall??  Anyway, we were lucky that they were not in our group!  

This is a picture of us on the Tower of Terror.  My favorite ride!!  Apparently Rhett did not find it as fun as I did.  Certainly, Michael didn't enjoy it at all.  I blew up this picture below so you could get a good look at the true terror this poor boy endured.

Rhett is on my left, not loving it.  Michael is on my right about to burst a blood vessel.  I can't look at this picture without giggling.

This was our little group of misfits.  Rhett is in the middle with Ares Luke Skywalker on his left.  Yes, his parents legally changed his name.  He is a really sweet kid who is the unfortunate benefactor of weird parents.  I really enjoyed him and he was very helpful with Michael.  Michael, on the right was a bit of a handful.  He require medication several times a day along with Mt. Dew at certain times as well (prescribed by mom).  He didn't like most of the rides and would walk around like a zombie for a half hour after them.  We had to keep a close eye on him as he would just wander aimlessly not looking at anything.  Other than that little bit of stress, we had a fun time.

Rhett is one of only three boys in his choir.  Sadly, 14 year old boys think it's uncool to sing.

Rhett Daniel Smith 2012

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Congratulations Rhett!