Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My take on Parenting

I sleep through the night now, well.. most of the time.  I'm exhausted.  I haven't changed a diaper in more than 3 years.  I thought the 2 am feedings, and hauling around a fully packed diaper bag would be the hardest part of parenting.  Boy was I wrong.  As my kids have grown and can mostly take care of their own hygiene issues, the days that I thought would be easier are more exhausting than ever!

It's not that my kids are tough or naughty, but just trying so hard to keep them going in the right direction and watching them have to learn through error is very emotionally taxing.  I love who they are becoming and they make me proud more times than not.  But it's hard.

Today I spent more time than I care to, on the phone with other leaders trying to defend/explain the choices and actions of my kids.  Not that their choices were bad, but not mainstream.  It's hard to stand up for your kids and still try to keep peace and not offend.  I had issues with one kids teacher that I believe handled a discipline situation extremely badly which ended with my kid getting in way more trouble than the original infraction.  How do you tell a teacher that HE made a bad choice without just looking like the parent who won't think her kid can do any wrong?

Then there's the finding out your kid did something kinda bad and they dont' know you know.  When's the right time to open the can of worms?  Is it even a good thing to open it?  Am I pushing too hard, am I letting them slide too much?  Aaahhhh!!!

This last week I took Whitley out of school half way through the day because I was bored.  No, really.. I was. I had to run some errands and I just wanted someone to do it with.  She's at the end of her senior year, mostly all fluff classes.. why not??  Well my boys had many reasons to tell me why not!!  That day ended up being a really fun one.  We went to Costco and met Mom and Chelsey  for lunch.  We laughed till we cried.  See, irresponsibility can be good.  Today I let one do something I wouldn't let another do because it just seemed more important that this one kid have it.  How do I know?  Is it fair?

Right now I feel like I would trade all this uncertainty in for a week of nursing a snuggly baby and changing popcorn smelling poo diapers.  Not so much thinking involved in that one.  When's my vacation?  Oh yah... 11 more days!!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...


I visited Carlene Dennison when Britt was just tiny. She asked how I was doing and I replied, "Exhausted." She laughed and said, "Enjoy the bone tired feeling now, because eventually you'll be emotionally exhausted and I'm not sure which is worse!"

Thank goodness I don't have a newborn AND teenagers. :)