Saturday, May 19, 2012

Recent Happenings

A couple weekends ago our kids had Father's and Sons campout.  We ladies took advantage of the night alone and had a girls night.  We met at Kristina's house for a sinco de mayo fiesta.  After, we mostly sat and chatted until the sun went down and we headed out for some good ole fashioned TPing.  Mind you, it was only 9 pm, we're old.  We took this picture after our last house.  Luckily for us one of the girls had a sippy cup and diaper in her van so we could prop up her cell phone and catch this priceless picture.  It only took about 6 tries. That may have been the most fun part!  Pictured here are Me, Jenna Winters, Cherai Slade, Melanie Kettring (her first time!), Kristina Rich, Jenny Johnson and Laurel Perkins.  A few of the girls stayed behind to watch babies and make some pazookies.  It was a really fun night!

Katy and I had to spend the day "in town" to get her birth certificate so she could start school in the fall.  Apparently I never sent for hers.  It went much quicker than planned so we stopped by the bakery to visit Glade, ran a couple of errands, and then went to meet Chelsey for lunch.  While waiting for her, Katy played in the fountain.  It was great, she would throw in pennies, go fetch whatever she could reach and then repeat.  Kept her very occupied!

I bought some Amazing Jake's certificates a while back from Groupon.  For $20 per couple, we got to bowl, play mini golf, eat all the pizza, salad and dessert we wanted and got a $5 game card.  We finally found a night it was good for us to go.  I love spending time with all these great people! Johnsons, Smiths, Richs, and Kettrings.

Don't ya just love self portraits where you can all but see the arm extended out as far as possible??

I was super productive this week and got lots of stuff done that has been sitting on my to-do list.  I got graduation announcements in the mail, thank you's that I had written the Sunday after the wedding finally in the mail, Rhett's paperwork for his new school filled out and turned in and all 5 boys haircuts.  Katy's birth certificate turned into the school.  A bazillion loads of laundry, a couple days on the treadmill, lots of paperwork, and the last of my Oliver songs choreographed.  It was a great week of check marks.

This week brings many fun things, but to the top of the list is my trip to Disneyland with Rhett.  He graduates from 8th grade and then we leave at midnight for the happiest place on Earth.  Also on the list is Bo's first piano recital, pack meeting, and possibly a trip to JumpStreet.  I get back from Disneyland on Saturday morning and then leave for my "big kids getaway" to Flagstaff on Sunday.  Yes, the good stuff has finally arrived!!

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