Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Mother's Day

My day started at 4 am when Bo came into my bed crying that his ear was leaking stuff and he was burning up with a fever. That's always super fun.. to sleep with a fevered kid right up next to you. Then Dalin came in and informed me he had a fever and so did Brooklyn. Awesome. Katy had a crusty green streak that went from her nose across to almost her ear. I definitely didn't have enough tylenol for this. I headed to Walgreens for decongestant and tylenol. Luckily we still had some antibiotics for Bo's ear from the last time this happened.

Glade had forgotten my gift at his work so he took a few of the kids and went to get it. I spent that hour trying to get the kids prom pics uploaded to Facebook. Then Whitley and I went to fix breakfast. When Glade got back I got to open my gift. He got me a vinyl cutter. I'm not exactly sure all that it does, but it seems quite snazzy. I think his feelings were hurt that I didn't jump up and down and scream with joy. I'm very happy to have it, I just know absolutely nothing about it or what it does or how to make it work. I will definitely figure it out though! We finally ate around 10:45. Sweet! Lunch too. I had a nice conversation with Jo on the phone as well. We cancelled Sunday dinner since so many were sick. Those of us that were still well hurriedly got ready and headed to church. As always, it was a nice three hours. Since all the little ones were at home, Rhett got to sit next to me in church. I loved that he leaned on me, held my hand, laid his head on my shoulder... even at 14 he wants to be near me. At one point, he had a math problem written on the paper with the answer being 11. When I asked him what that was, he said that's how many days till we get to go to Disneyland together. I have to say I'm pretty excited about spending that time with him. He's just a neat kid.

After church I headed straight for my bed. Naptime! I slept for about an hour then got up to fix dinner. Mom was still coming out for dinner and she would be here soon. It was really nice to have Sunday dinner with my house a mess and in my jammies. Now, of course I would prefer my house to not be a mess, but today I didn't care. After dinner we had some ice cream and settled in for a game of Idiot Bridge. Right then, Chelsey and Spencer came in. She was upset about something that had happened at his families house so we spent some time figuring it all out. I love that she will still let me hug her when she's upset. Finally we got to the just hanging and laughing and enjoying the evening part. I love the times spent doing absolutely nothing but making memories of who-knows-what. We won't remember the specifics, but we will remember that we loved it.

Everyone left and I crashed. Tired hit me quite suddenly. I helped Stephen fix his video homework and now I'm making sure I get it all down before I go to bed. I didn't get a whole lot of "goodies" today, but I got all the best things: hugs, I love you's, homemade cards, school made gifts, laughs, tears and time with my own mom. Right before church I got this notification -

Whitley's post to me on Facebook

‎"yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them."
I am so grateful that I have a mom that teaches me to be strong and have faith. She is an amazing example even though she doesnt see it. I love just laying in her bed and laughing. I love sitting on the floor in her office and talking to her while she is on the computer. Even if its silent, I really just like to be in her presence. I love her. Not only is she my mom but she is my friend. She gives the best advice and knows exactly what to say/do to console me. "so is a mother, so shall be her daughter". I wanna be just like you mommy ♥ — with Laurie Whitley Smith.

I need nothing else.