Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy Dance

So I've been feeling a little lost lately.  No real projects or assignments on the horizon.  I don't do well without something to be thinking about, planning, organizing, etc.  You don't need to remind me that I'm planning a wedding.  I'm VERY aware of that!  But it's also very short term and most of it's in your head until you get to the day (or week) before.  It's made me a little stir crazy and honestly, a little cranky to be in this state.

Back during Glee, a theater friend asked if I would help her choreograph Oliver in the spring.  Oy.  I know, I'm not a choreographer.  But I figured I could just assist her, not be the ONE.  So now it's time for Oliver and we had our first meeting last night.  I'm so excited to get started!  A little nervous as well, as I listened to the songs and realized I was partly responsible for those coming to life!  Right after our meeting, they held the Community Theater Committee meeting.

I didn't realize how it was all going down at first and then I found myself right in the middle of it and was really uncomfortable.  See, I'm  not a committee member.  Or, I wasn't.  I tried to just sit quiet and not say anything since I really wasn't even supposed to be there.  By the end of the meeting, I was an official member and I get to be Vice Chairman of the Committee.  This sounds way more impressive than it is.  I volunteered to be the Gopher for the  Chairman so I could learn all the other aspects of what goes on there, so they gave me a nice sounding title.  The best part is who the Chairman is.  I LOVE her and am so excited to get to spend time with her and learn from her.  It's a year commitment so I have the next year to be a busy bee at the theater.  It's more administrative and overseeing, so it shouldn't be quite so consuming as Glee was.  Speaking of which...

I'm also co-directing Glee again this year.  I know, I know... but I will do it so differently than last year!  I'm really excited about all the prospects and time I get to spend with such great people doing things I love.  Not to mention that I will get to spend so much of this time with my kids as well.  I went to bed last night doing a little happy dance in my brain.  It's been a while!

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