Tuesday, February 22, 2011



Sometimes you just have to wonder...What the heck?? I'm really fine with turning 40 next week..I can't say I love the number but it IS just a number. However, the varicose vein on the back of my leg?? Not OK with that. I run a lot, I try to stay active...I've been dancing lately.... It's very discouraging to not be able to fight aging. I'm even OK with wrinkles and stuff like that, but the big fat age spot on my cheek and now varicose veins...kind of bugging me. Not only that, but it totally sucks to be seeing yourself in one light and then get a glimpse of yourself in another not so flattering light. I know I'm not skinny, but I feel like I have done OK....look mostly "normal" but today when I saw myself dancing on a video on YouTube.....blech!!! Holy crap. I know I'm being irrational here, but it kind of seems like if you are going to look fat, why not look all the way fat? Why work at it? I know...good health, longer life, blah blah blah. I just want it to be easy. It's not. It sucks. But, I do know it's worth it and good and all that other stuff so I guess I'll keep running and try to stop eating cookies and most definitely NOT let myself be put on YouTube!! Please, no comments necessary.....


Heather said...

hahaha you make me laugh. I think you look great and I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. I can't believe there is no link so I can't see the you tube video. sheeesh. I turned 40 last year and the age thing hasn't bothered me at all. Embrace it, you look good for almost 40.

Dacia said...

I think you look wonderful!

Tina Green said...

I recently read a blog about being 'real'. It was about not trying to project a 'perfect' image by hiding your flaws and feelings. It was about being ok to share your imperfections (both physical and emotional) and loving yourself anyway.

You openly blog about vericose veins, age spots, being frustrated with your kids and/or life at different points. You admit that your thoughts are not always positive and PC and forgive yourself for it. You are one of the most "REAL" people I know and I have great love and admiration for you because of it.

Obviously your family and friends think you are amazing.