Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer so Far

I'm still alive. Kickin? That's a whole other story. Summer is half way over. I'm doing great with my kids but the MESS of summer is about to do me in. Even when it's clean (which is rare) just having all the bodies around makes it feel messy. I'm definitely ready for some quiet time. I'm not ready, however, to start getting up and doing homework and all that stuff yet. My highschoolers start in three weeks. Crazy. I'm mostly done school shopping and they are definitely ready to go back. I guess that's a good thing.

We went camping over the 4th which I will do a separate post about with the very few pics I took. Other than that, it's just been hanging out. I have read a lot, let my laundry pile up (literally), finally mopped my floor last night, and haven't run in a week. How's that for lazy summer? Disclaimer: My apologies to anyone who has stopped by or visited in the last couple of weeks, my house is a wreck! I have no desire to clean it, a desire to have it clean, but not to actually do the work. This morning, after I just cleaned it well, there were already two spills that had occurred. Why bother?? So until they all go back to school, I will keep my eyes focused up high and deal with it.

We have seen a few movies here and there. Of course, we saw Eclipse, twice. My mom and I went to a special showing that was free and got popcorn and soda for nothing to boot. That was fun, then I took the girls and Stephen and that was good too! I'm almost done reading my book, then will have nothing. Gotta start doing some research on what to read next.

I have avoided blogging like the plague. This is definitely a whiny time of year for me, not just the kids home ALL day, but I really really really hate the heat. It makes me a little grouchy. So in the spirit of not being a complainer all the time, I have just decided to keep most of it to myself! I said MOST. Off to Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A. Will have pictures to share of that!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Hey grouchy! I'm totally with you on the MESS of summer. It makes me tired. Really. I'd rather nap and get nothing done than clean and clean and have it look like I never started. :p