Monday, November 10, 2014

Some days just feel Happy

Ya never see 'em coming and sometimes you may not even notice when they are here.  But then there are those days that just feel HAPPY.  Today is that day.  A day at home, no real obligations.  Cleaned up from the weekend first thing, then did a bit of "stock up" grocery shopping.  That does always make me happy! Filled my gas tank with the rewards I earned stocking up too.   Sat in my clean house watching a sweet Christmas movie with a diet coke and chocolate chip cookie.  Fed my chickens and saw 2 eggs!  Plus, I didn't sweat to death while doing it. All the while wearing comfy clothes.  It's all pretty simple, you see.  That's the beauty...feeling happy with the "mundane".  Doesn't happen often unfortunately, so it's pretty awesome when you can take  notice and appreciate just feeling HAPPY.  Now, it's only one in the afternoon......

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