Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pre Christmas

Prepare for gush.  I don't know what it is about this year and Christmas, but I have just been so "touched" by my kids desire to love the holiday.  It's one thing when Mom sets the tone and they live here so I'm exposing them to it constantly.  They just sort of HAVE to go along.  But this year has been different.  Don't get me wrong, I've done plenty of exposing, but they've also just done things on their own.  Whitley who has always been adamant about waiting till after Thanksgiving has expressed her anticipation and excitement for Christmas already this year.  Chelsey is always excited and ready to go, so that's good.  Same with Mom...early isn't a problem.  But even Stephen in one of his letter expressed a "thought" he had about me and  Christmas a while ago.  Then one night, Rhett called me from work and put the phone to his music he had playing...Christmas music.  That's all on his own.  Then yesterday I got a text from Taylor, Stephen's friend, saying she can't stop wanting Christmas music and stuff.  She said we were rubbing off on her, lol.    My point is...I LOVE Christmas and now my children do as well.  For what ever reason, it makes my heart really happy.

So in an effort to extend the season without imposing on those around us, me, Mom, Chelsey and Whitley have decide to celebrate Pre Christmas. That means music, movies and crafting...all legal! Every Wednesday we are going to get together and do crafts and Christmas-y stuff. This week we put together some gift type things.  Mom made a pumpkin roll, I made pumpkin cookies and Chelsey  brought stuff for pumpkin bread.  I guess we were all on the same page!  I love sharing the holidays with people who love them like I do!!

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