Monday, April 1, 2013


I've been thinking a lot about sparkles these days.  They make me happy.  It's only been in the last few years that you can buy anything with sparkles!  And I have my fair share of sparkly things.  My favorite heels are very sparkly.  I like my purses to have some sort of bling and bracelets have to have something shiny on them.  I even like a little sparkle on my nails and sometimes a spritz on my hair.  When I'm sitting in a quiet moment, I like to move whatever I have on that sparkles, in different directions to catch the light in as many ways as possible. There are even a few places that make things sparkle just a bit more.  I like the way sparkles make me feel.  With that said, are they good?

I mean, were sparkles put on this earth to give joy and happiness.  To make me happy.  OR, were they put here to tempt and distract?  The scriptures often talk about fine twined linen and jewels and the tinkling of their feet.  Are sparkles part of that?  They certainly can distract me if my mind starts to wander at all and my eyes get a little bigger if something I see gives off a little gleam.

I don't know the answer to this and it kind of bothers me. The only real consolation I can find is that I wear sparkles for ME.  I never put on something sparkly hoping to catch someones attention or in hopes anyone will admire them. I just like them, for me!  So for now I'm going to say sparkles are one of life's beauties.  Something to be enjoyed.  And if you see me getting prideful about my sparkles, you should probably give me a heads up. Ü


D said...

nothing wrong with sparkles!

Valeen said...

Hope this doesn't sound corny, but I always want to be sparkly. I want to take whatever light there is and reflect it back bigger and brighter. I love sparkles too!

Jake and Jenny said...

You sparkle too!