Sunday, June 24, 2012

DeJa Vu

Friday wasn't nearly as exciting and stressful as apparently my life needs to be.  Saturday was our first day in months that we didn't have play practice all morning, since we had a show that night.  I was so excited to stay home, get my house in order and chill for the day.  Glade got all the boys up very early to go help a family in the ward move.  I wasn't totally in favor of that since they were out late the night before and needed to be rested for their show that night.  However, I would just insist they have down time or naps (for Bo).  I called Glade about 9 am to see where they were and what their plan was.  It was then that I was notified that my day would not be chill.  Rhett had broken his arm.

I was worried, anxious, and mad.  Glade let the boys ride in the back of a U-haul type truck since  there weren't enough seats in the front.  He of course told them to stay sitting, but in my mind this was stupid move #1.  The boys decided that sitting was boring so they played a game called Jello. Stupid move #2.  You let the turns control your body.  When you are playing this inside a car, you just squish each other from side to side.  In the back of a big truck, it throws you around pretty good.  Well the saying "it's all fun and games till someone gets hurt" certainly applies here. Rhett was "thrown" into a wall and Stephen came flying after him smashing him into the wall and snapping his bone.  Unfortunately there was no way to let Glade know it had happened until they reached the bakery.

When they could see that it was broken, Glade made a temporary splint and finished getting his work done.  No one even bothered to call the mother!! Stupid move #3.  I made a few calls and got him on the waiting list at the urgent care we typically go to.  About an hour and a half later, he was being seen and xrayed.  Good news is that only one bone is broken, bad news is that it's a pretty messy break and could possible need surgery.  Good news is that if I paid cash that day it was only $150 instead of the $700 they quoted me.  Lovely lovely day.  As I recall, the Saturday of the Annie performance, I spent the afternoon in that same urgent care getting Katy's chin all stitched up.  Not a chill day!!

Luckily we were in and out pretty quickly.  He wasn't in a ton of pain and didn't even cry once!  He was very proud of that.  He was able to still perform last night with only minor changes to the choreography.  The rest of the summer is going to suck though.. no pool, no beach..all for a stupid "fun" ride in the back of a truck.  Boys are dumb.


Leslie said...

Poor Rhett! Thank goodness you know the ropes of getting things done in as timely a manner as possible. What a day.

Tammy said...

That is a total bummer! This is not the time to have a broken arm. Poor kid!