Friday, March 28, 2008

This is my first blog! I have no idea what I am doing or why, everyone just says you should! My name is Laurie and I live in Arizona. I have been very happily married for over 17 years now and have 9 fabulous children. 5 boys and 4 lovely ladies. My oldest is about to be 16 and my baby just turned one!

I guess I will just be using this as a journal since I have not been very successful at that! I'm not sure anything I have to say will be of any interest to anyone else, but at least my family's experiences will be documented.

My hubby has a bakery business that he runs with his father and siblings which allows me to be a stay at home mom and I love every minute of it, well almost!
I enjoy music, softball, dancing, and scrapbooking (even though I am very far behind). I am very active in my church and love to serve.

Right now I am aggressively engaged in trying to get my body back after 16 years of pregnancy and nursing. I'm sure there will be much news about my progress in that area. I'm hoping to do better at documenting all the fun things that happen with my family. As I'm sure you can imagine, my family can be very entertaining! Well, that's me in a nutshell. Hooray for day 1!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Woo Hoo! I love it. Keep it won't be sad. I've done over 400 blog posts since I started just before Sofia was born. And yes, I'm crazy with a camera.