Sunday, March 30, 2008


Well, didn't go to church today. My great day yesterday did not end so great! No good movie playing so my date was short, which was ok, I was really tired. Upon returning home, we found some disturbing things on our children's computer. After some very thorough spy work, we found the culprit and hopefully took care of the problem. We have had a filter for a long time now, just never took the time to install it. Dang! After finally solving that mystery, Katy woke up throwing up, first in her bed then in mine! I'm so lucky to have a husband who will take puke duty. Sure made for a long night though. I stayed home from church with her and got some laundry done. Spent the afternoon scrapbooking for my Gramma B. She is turning 80 in May.
She lives in Illinois and I don't get to see her nearly enough. I do get to fly home with Katelyn for her big party though, I'm so excited! Anyway, on her 70th birthday, I made her a scrapbook with all of her posterity in it. She has requested an updated one for her 80th. It is a true labor of love. We had Sunday dinner at our house as always. Glade's whole family comes over and it's quite fun for all the cousins to get to play and for us to catch up with each other. My house is a wreck, but there's always tomorrow! Other than missing church, it's been a pretty good day. Another dry day for Bo, wooohooo!

1 comment:

SherriH said...

thanks for doing a blog. now I can keep up with all of you.