Sunday, September 14, 2014

Comeback Kid

I feel like all my blog post start out with how much I wish I wanted to blog.  Well,this is no different.  Only I haven't wanted to blog.  I've wished I wanted to, but this last couple of  months has kind of found me under a cloud.  But let me be clear...I love Cloudy days!!  This is different kind of cloud.  One of discouragement and frustration.  I've tried "blowing it away" and "picking myself up with a kick to the fanny", but I seem to always land under the cloud.  Well, it took a letter from my sweet missionary boy to really make me drag myself out from the cloud.  It was the only thing in the mail that day.  And it was just for me.  The minute I read "hey Mama", the tears began to fall.  I could hardly read the rest of it.  I cried for a couple of hours after that.  A good cry...tears roll as I write about it, lol.  But he said he just felt a strong urge to write me and felt like I had been sad a lot lately.  First, that made me feel bad, that my letters came across that way and Second, that he noticed and cared really touched me.  But it also made me realize I HAD to get my butt in gear.  I needed to stop focusing on the wants and be grateful for the haves.  Not things really, but the way things were going for me.  My life is GOOD!!  So how silly is it to focus on the things that aren't exactly as I would like them to be and let that affect everything I do??  It's not easy, and takes constant effort right now, but I'm doing it and it feels really great!

Then came the prod from another unlikely source.  My sweet grandma, who I love more than just about anything feels very strongly about getting her history recorded.  She is 85 and trying to make sure all her memories and details get recorded.  Here I am with the ease and convenience to do that every day so I'm never trying to "get it done" and remember everything at once, and I'm totally wasting it.  Months have gone by, I'd be willing to say even a year without good recording of what things happen around here.  What am I doing??  Well, I'm going to try to do better.  I've committed to it before, I know.  But if you never commit, you definitely won't ever succeed.  So I commit again!  And hopefully with a cheerful and grateful heart I can spend more time here in blogworld making sure my family has a recorded history.

This is one of my favs: 

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