Sunday, March 25, 2018

Spring Break 2018 week 2

The second week of Spring Break we spent at home.  Brooklyn and Rhett had to go back to school and work so it was mostly just me and Bo and Katy.  Dalin is big now, has a girlfriend and a drivers license so he had better things to do.  We went to see the new movie A Wrinkle in Time which was surprisingly good!  We also went shoe shopping and ate a small lunch.

We spent a day at the zoo with Whitley and her kids which was fun and the weather was still cool enough.  Bo jumped off a playhouse and hurt his foot though and now that's causing problems for him in track and the show that he is currently doing.  

I spent one day doing big girl stuff with my friends,  meaning we all went to a movie together to see I Can Only Imagine.  It was only a few hours, but it was nice!

The last few days were spent at the dentist with only 1 out of 5 having cavities.  Bo is hopefully more committed to his oral health after the scraping and torture he endured to get his teeth cleaned.  Rhett is going to start having to pay for his own cavities if he doesn't get moving. 

Saturday was spent at the track with Bo and Katy.  They both did well and I will blog about their season later.  

Poor Glade has spent every night this week and all day Saturday trying to get our Onza house ready to put on the market.  We are so close!! 

Zoo Day!!

All clear of cavities!!

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