Sunday, March 25, 2018

Spring Break 2018 week 1

Decided to try and blog by the week.  Maybe I can keep up then.  It definitely will not be as detailed and maybe not even chronological, but it will be recorded! 

.  Last week we went to the Smith cabin with our friends the Johnsons.for the first week of Spring Break.   The kids had a great time playing games, ziplining and hanging out in the basement.  Brooklyn and Becca hid out in the RV most of the time, but the did come in for food every now and again.  Both Jake and Glade were able to make it as well, even though there was still some work to be done.  Jenny and I spent a little time in town checking out thrift stores. Nothing too exciting to find there.  Chelsey came up for a night, but things were rough with the two little ones and the one tiny/big one still in her belly.  She decided to head home and sleep in their own beds.  Emily and Brynlee had a GREAT time while they were there.  All the kids got some scrapes and a few rope burns from the zip line, but it didn't slow them down very long!

We had a hard time getting the wood to burn because it had rained.  It was really smoky and all the girls held their noses to not have to smell it.

I thought surely there would be a blow dryer there, but...nope.  So I used a little space heater.  It was a bit awkward and took a little longer, but totally did the job!

Max went with us and followed me around under my feet the whole time

Aleah and Emily became BFFs

The boys took a liking to croquet.  Even Dad got out there and played with them a few times.

Rhett had to bring his "friends" with him to the cabin.  Luckily he wasn't like that the whole time.

It was Tessa's birthday while we were there so we tripped into town for some DQ.

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