Because I'm a weirdo, I really like to spend time in the cold at least once a year. Glade had a bunch of points from traveling for work built up and it was our Anniversary so we decided to go to Chicago for New Years. I didn't plan on it being on a Sunday so that messed with our plans a little, but we still had a really good time. We only had our feet to take us places so after a few freezing treks around town, we got familiar with the public transit system. The very first day we were there, we had to go purchase warmer outerwear. It was crazy cold, like in the negatives. Even some of the normal attractions that stayed open all winter were closed due to the cold.

We ate pizza at the place right next door to our hotel, we cruised the Magnificent Mile in downtown and of course, I awwed and gooed over all the Christmas lights still up. We visited the tower formerly known as Sears Tower and waited 3 hours to get to the top. Not worth it in my opinion, but it was fine. After we did that, we walked to go see a movie, Jumanji. We were hungry and cold and thought a movie would be perfect. After the cold walk to get there, we realized the way they offered the timing of it, we weren't an hour early, we were barely there on time. It was a theatre that offered dinner while you watch so we decided to do that. What I wanted, they were out of so I chose the next thing and ended up paying $17 for some mac and cheese. We also found out that our seats were not in the back row but in the very front! I was about to cry at this point. Luckily they were reclining seats so laying all the way back wasn't too bad. The movie was awesome and the mac and cheese, well, I wasn't hungry anymore. One of those things you can laugh about later.
One day we went down to Navy Pier to see what was what but that was kind of disappointing so we just walked around and had lunch. After that, we decided public transportation was going to need to happen. Even my eyes were cold and they were the only thing exposed!
Pizza place with graffiti all over
Beautiful Magnificent Mile all lit up
View from the top of the Sears Tower
Standing on the clear platform at the top of the tower.
On Sunday we got up, grabbed a small breakfast and headed to church. It was a brand new church and it was actually multiple levels. The people were very nice and pretty much everyone but me kept their coats on the whole meeting. Have I mentioned I like being cold? After that, we went back to the hotel to just nap and chill for awhile. When it was dinner time, we bundled back up and walked to the Cheesecake Factory, which was delicious. Including this very large piece of chocolate cake. We left there and went to visit the Bean. It was really cool at night and there was hardly anyone there. We were so cold!! We took a bus back to the hotel and spent the rest of the night cuddled up in PJs watching the ball drop in New York. It was a really great day.
Monday we woke up and went back to the Bean to eat at the Wildberry Cafe that we had read about. it was so crowded and by the time we got in, it was borderline lunchtime. But it was SO good. No seriously, they sprinkle magic in their food. Heavenly! Then it was time to go so we took the train back to the airport to end our journey.
chocolate cake at the Cheesecake Factory
So. Cold. at the Bean
Happy New Year!!