Sunday, November 8, 2015

What it really means to be a Christmas Crazy

I have a reputation. Well, probably a few, but one big one is that I LOVE Christmas.  It's kinda my thing.  Some may use phrases like "Christmas Crazy" or OCD Obsessive Christmas Disorder (I had shirts made with that on it).  It's true, every bit of it.  I will own it loud and proud.  What I think some people miss in this whole picture of "full of Christmas", that's how Katy described me on a paper, is what it actually means to LOVE Christmas.  I mean, really, what's not to LOVE?!  The money? The hubub?  The busy-ness?  Guess what, you can LOVE  that too!  Let me tell you why I LOVE Christmas, for reals....

I once told my daughter not to get engaged around Christmas.  It might be tainted.  Why, you ask?  Because Christmas is LOVE.  In a million different ways, Christmas brings feelings of LOVE.  First and foremost, there's the LOVE of and for our Savior, Jesus Christ.  He is the reason for the season, right?  We celebrate His life every day of the year, but in December, we celebrate his birth.  Another reason for LOVE.  The miracle of life!  I have experience that exact same miracle and emotion of pure LOVE every time I gave birth to one of my children.  Nothing more witnesses to me that God is real and that He loves me than to bring a precious soul into my family and into my arms.  Children.  Not just the gift of them, but the world through their eyes is so beautiful and trusting and  innocent and magical!  Christmas brings that out in abundance and it's such a joy to watch a child experience all that Christmas has to offer.  Watch a sappy Hallmark movie or listen to the songs of the season, it's all about LOVE!  Ooey Gooey romantic and beautiful LOVE.  Makes you all warm inside.  Warmth.  I live in a miserable hot existance where a roaring fire only makes things hotter.  But, a glowing fire, twinkling lights, hot chocolate, cozy blankets...all provide warmth for your soul.  Guess what adds the big cherry on top to all the warmth?  Family.  Every aspect of Christmas revolves around the family.  Whether its gift giving, parties, baking, crafting, movie watching, light seeing..being with family brings the ultimate warmth to my soul.  LOVE.

Combine sparkly, pretty things, warmth, family, a Savior and ooey gooey LOVE...why wouldn't I want that to last as long as possible?  When you fill your holiday with things that matter,events that bond, things that bring warmth to your soul, the messy things like money, crowds and calendars become not so burdensome.  You unconsciously smile when you see a lit up tree, or hear a familiar song or smell your favorite holiday candle because you have filled your holidays with beautiful things that build and grow LOVE.  And every year after year, that big sleigh full of blessings and memories and warmth and LOVE comes jingling back reminding you why you LOVE this time of year!  Yes, I'm a Christmas Crazy.  My children are becoming the very same thing and I LOVE that they have felt and experienced the same warmth and love that I have as we've shared our Christmas' past.  So bring on Christmas in October or June or maybe even March....can there be too much LOVE?

On an awesome funny/wonderful side note...Whitley called me the other day to tell me that when she is older and has all the money in the world, she is going to have a Christmas room.  One that is Christmas all year round.  That way, if she is ever sad or just misses Christmas, she can go in there and sit for awhile.  THEN, she says, when I (me) get old and delusional and can't take care of myself, I can come live in her Christmas room.  I'll take it!!