Friday, August 1, 2014

It's a Party!

Well, ok... a Pity Party.  I have them every now and again.  I won't bore you with all my "sad life" problems.  Partially because I don't need anyone punching me over the ridiculousness of some of the things I like to be sad about.  It's really a perception thing.  And being sad or disappointed about things isn't wrong, it's what you do with it.  I spent the morning feeling bad and telling myself why I was justified and definitely settled in with a "poor me" conversation with myself.  Telling yourself why all these different things are making you miserable just seems to make it all the worse.  BUT, it happens sometimes.  I was scheduled to go to the temple, its my normal day, but they asked me to come in early.  Normally no big deal, but my kids JUST went back to school and I really needed to get my house in order and honestly I wanted to feel sorry for myself, not go smile and be sweet to people.  I considered and debated off and on all morning about calling someone to sub for me.  I just wanna stay home!  But then I decided it was my responsibility and usually when you really don't want to do something is when you actually need it the most.  So I went.  Begrudgingly. Fighting back tears the whole time.  But I got there, felt the spirit of the  Temple, stopped thinking about myself and got to work.  We were busy, which was a blessing.  Then my friend who works there with me came in, later than I was.  Another gal asked if I had heard how her son was.  She has a boy who left on a mission just after Stephen, so I just assumed they were asking about him being on his mission.  Then she told me what she really meant.  Her 12 yr old son had burned half his face and his eye with hot grease.  She told me the whole story and I immediately felt ashamed for all my "poor me" sentiments I'd spent the morning dwelling on.  She also told me all the little miracles that took place along the way.

God is so mindful of each one of us.  He knows about all those whiny things I was being sad about.  He knows that my heart hurts sometimes.  It's ok to feel sad and be unhappy occasionally, but we must always remember to be grateful.  For so many things!  Trial are trials and sad is sad, but make sure to check your perspective.  It's so easy to see all the hard things or things that aren't exactly as we want them and focus on that.  Don't!  Have your moment, maybe shed a tear or two and then look at all the awesome things in your life!  Like that my son's face is burn free.  Life really is good, not perfect, but pretty stinkin great.

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